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Thank you for visiting Our Saviour!

We are a church that seeks to multiply Gospel-Centered disciples by building community and bringing Christ. 

Our vision is lived out in three key ways: gathering as family, growing as disciples, and going as servants. I hope this brochure gives you a sense of how we accomplish this through our ministries an the life of our church family. 

If you have any questions, or would like to talk I would love to connect with you. 

Pastor Adam Fix

Connect with Pastor Adam


The main time that we gather as a church family is Sunday mornings at 9:30am in our Sanctuary. 

During this service we worship together through singing, prayer, and Bible preaching. 

We also offer age appropriate childcare and programs for children 5th grade and younger during this time. These spaces are staffed by trained and screened volunteers. 

Sunday Mornings


Our Group Life ministry is a vital way we fulfill our vision of Building Community and Bringing Christ. As we study Scripture together, pray together, and serve one another, we are built up in Christ as individuals and as a church family.

Throughout the week there are many groups that meet together to study the Bible with 2-5 others. These groups meet at different times and on different days depending on what works best for those invovled. 

Find a Group


As a church we desire to bring Christ to the community around us, the nation, and the world. To that end we have several different oppurutunities to serve. From parterning with the schools next to us to short-term overseas trips, our hope is that the Gospel would impact everyone! 

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