Dear church,
I am so excited for this weekend, however, while I’m not sure about you, this year’s celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ seems to have snuck up on me. All of a sudden, it’s here. In past years, I’ve tried to do some special things to study, pray, and meditate on Scripture and I have missed much of that intentional preparation for this weekend this year. If that is the case for you as well, I want to encourage you that there are still opportunities for some specific Bible reading, worship, and prayer. Make some time for you and your family to read the narratives of the Last Supper, Jesus’ trial, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. Pray that God would give you a sense of the weight of this scandal and a freedom because of Jesus’ glory. And, finally, think about these things in preparation for our two times of corporate worship this weekend (Good Friday and Easter Sunday).
Also, in preparation for this weekend, I want to remind you of a few opportunities:
- Prayerfully consider who God is calling you to invite to church on Sunday morning. It may be individuals, families, or kids. Let’s be really active in offering invitations for those we know to join us on Easter. It’s not too late to invite people.
- Our Good Friday service will be at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary. It will be a somber, reflective time mourning the death of Christ and contemplating the cross together.
- We will have our usual 9:30AM worship celebration on Sunday morning followed by a light brunch that is open to all. The theme of our service is “He is Stronger” and we will celebrate the supremacy of God over all things.
I could not be more excited to worship with you this weekend. I love Easter! As I close this letter, I am praying that God will continue to stir in our hearts a great affection for His glory and a desire to declare His victory over sin and death in the resurrection of Jesus. I pray that the walls of our sanctuary would shake with voices raised in worship to God because of who He is and in light of all He has done. Please join me and bring as many other people as you can.
For the sake of His name,
Pastor Adam