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Campus Improvements Project

Project Scope and Need


Our Saviour purchased its current property in 1969. The first building was completed in 1971 with major additions in 1977 and 1996. At the time of the 1996 addition the parking lot was also expanded and a system for storm water detention was created. Since that time the parking lot has only had seasonal patching, crack-filling, and minor repairs.

Typically asphalt surface for this use would have an expected design life of 15 years. At this point in time even the newest portions of our lot are 25 years old. Much of the parking lot is beyond repair and now requires replacement. In addition to the asphalt surface much of our concrete work including portions of sidewalks and stairs leading up to our building are at least 50 years old, also at the end of their designed lifespan.

Several years ago the elder council in conjunction with the business administration team began planning for a comprehensive reconstruction and improvement to the parking lot and entire exterior campus of our church property. This included beginning to accrue money for the project as well as considering what the scope of the project would need to be.


Scope of Project

From August of 2021 to March of 2022 the church worked with an engineer to survey the current condition of our property and to finalize a design plan that could be used to solicit bids from paving contractors.

The final design was built around a two-phase plan. Phase 1 includes the oldest portions of the lot that are original to the 1971 building. Phase 2 includes the westernmost portion of that lot that was built with the 1996 Sanctuary addition. The pavement in phase 2 is currently in much better condition and likely has at least 5-7 years of useful life left.

Phase 1 of the design includes new pavement, new concrete curbing (to comply with local codes), the creation of safer pedestrian paths from the lot to the building, improved storm water management, enhanced exterior lighting, site beautification through curbed islands and improved landscaping, and the addition of two spaces that can be used for ministry purposes.

New Spaces

As planning began for the parking lot one thing that quickly became apparent was a desire for outdoor space that could be used for ministry purposes. Currently the only non-paved space on our property that allows for outside use is the water detention area on the east side of the lot. This space is sloped—making it less accessible—and by design often has storm water runoff. 

After consultation with the engineering firm, a design was drawn up to add two new spaces. The first is a green space directly to the west of the building that features nearly 6,000 sq. ft. of grass. This will be an ideal space for groups, children and youth events, and fellowship outside. 

The second space is a hardscape patio that will be installed directly north of the youth room. The patio will be furnished with tables and chairs so that groups can gather and we can serve refreshments outside. Currently this space serves as accessible parking. The new design consolidates all of the accessible parking spaces into one area of the lot with a clearly marked walkway that is closest to an ADA accessible entrance. 

Bidding Process

After completion of the design the church solicited bids from seven qualified contractors. Four of these companies submitted bids by March 23rd. The lowest responsible bidder — Abbey Paving — had a base bid for Phase 1 of $294,000

Given the uncertainty with supply chain issues, material costs including oil prices—project bid results produced generally very competitive unit pricing. 


Pending approval of the financial plan work could begin as soon as early May with substantial completion expect in four weeks. 


Project Cost

Given the bid provided by Abbey Paving and factoring other ancillary expenses the project will incur our business administration team believes the total project cost will be somewhere between $335,000-$340,000. This number includes an industry-standard contingency percentage to ensure enough funds are available if any units of the project are more expensive than the contractor’s bid.

Through careful stewardship, the ICC use agreement income, and the generosity of our church family we have already been able to save $138,000 for this project. 

The elders and our business administration team recommend we take out a $200,000 loan so that the project can be completed this year. 


After working with several financial institutions the best loan terms that we have been offered have come from Christian Investors Financial (CIF), an EFCA associated financial management group. CIF has offered a 10-year loan for $200,000 at 4.50% interest. This would result in a minimum monthly payment of just over $2,000. A vote will be taken on April 24th at a special members’ meeting following our Sunday worship service to approve this financial plan.

Repayment Plan

Through continued financial stewardship the elders and business administration team believe that this loan can be paid off far quicker. Immanuel Community Church has committed to extending their use agreement for an additional year through May 2023. This would allow the church to pay $48,000 towards the loan in the first year without any impact to our general operating budget.

Additionally, the elders are asking our congregation to prayerfully consider and faithfully commit to over and above giving to the general fund with extra gifts to this exterior project between June and December of this year. Our goal is for the congregation to commit to $52,000 during that time frame. If this achieved we will pay off half of the loan within the first year. 

Future loan payments will be made through ICC use fees as long as possible. While there is no guarantee of what their decision will be for the future, they have expressed a desire to stay several more years. If that were the case the loan would be nearly paid in full within 3 years without any funds from our general ministry budget.


The elders and business administration team are excited about the possibilities that this project holds. Not only will it bring much needed reconstruction to our parking lot, it also has the potential for new ministry possibilities through the addition of the new green space and patio areas. 

Our Saviour has had a long standing commitment to minister to our surrounding community. This project has the potential for us to reinvest and recommit ourselves to that goal for many years to come.