Three Aspects of Prayer
As we continue this month of prayer a natural question to ask is: Why pray? What is the purpose of praying? These are not easy questions to answer in their entirety. John Calvin once said “Words cannot explain how essential is the practice of prayer, and in how many different ways it is beneficial to us.”. But there are some key things we can keep in mind as we continue to grow in our prayer lives.
1. Prayer is an act of fellowship
One of the most amazing gifts made possible by the sacrifice of Christ is fellowship with God. After being declared innocent by exchanging our sinfulness for Jesus’ righteousness we have been adopted into the family of God and now have every write to turn to him as father.(Romans 8:15, Ephesians 1:5) Because of this we now can have a two way communication with God by hearing from him in his word, and by speaking to him through prayer. This two-way street means it is possible to have a close fellowship with God.
2. Prayer is an act of worship
To worship God is to acknowledge that he alone is worthy of praise and glory. When we pray appropriately we are doing just that. Jesus’ model in Matthew 6 starts by ascribing God glory, and acknowledging him as king. Jesus recognizes God as the provider and asks for daily bread.
He goes on to confess that God alone can forgive sins, and is the holy judge to whom everyone must answer. Prayer lifts our gaze to God and reminds us of his power, sovereignty, grace, and mercy.
When we do this we can’t help but respond in thankfulness and joyful celebration. Earnest prayer is earnest worship.
3. Prayer is an act of dependance
By presenting our supplications to God we must acknowledge that he has a power to provide that is infinitely greater than our own. Likewise, when we lament in the midst of trials we confirm that God alone can provide a lasting peace and comfort. As we pray we are continually turning back to our Heavenly Father and leaning on him as the King who reigns over all, we turn to our God who alone can save us and give us eternal life, we turn to a loving father who will provide all that we need.
Let’s pray this month remembering that we have fellowship with God, he is worthy of all our worship, and that he is the only one we can turn to who will never fail us.