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This month we are challenging ourselves as a church to pray together for the entire month of November. This challenge isn’t a campaign, where maybe if we get enough people praying together God will hear us because of how many voices are praying together. Jesus makes it clear that’s not how prayer works. Instead, this challenge is about a church family lifting its voice up to God, witnessing how he answers those prayers and giving him glory together. One of the amazing gifts given to us through Jesus is the ability to speak to our heavenly Father through prayer. We are assured that not only does God hear us when we pray, but that like a loving father he is eager listen and respond. The responses are sometimes surprising, but they can always lead us to praising God all the more and learning to trust him in deeper ways.

This challenge is about a church family lifting its voice up to God witnessing how he answers those prayers and giving him glory together.

Each week for this month we’ll be publishing a bookmark in the bulletin that is a guide for how we can be praying. We will work through different kinds of prayer: Lament, Praise, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Petition. Along with the prompts for prayer we’ve also provided a Psalm to read and meditate on. Our hope for this month is that we would grow in our personal prayer lives, and grow as a church that is leaning on God through prayer.


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