Happy Independence Day! Though we do it every week, this Sunday we will be declaring and even celebrating our dependence on God in a targeted way. This is because we are asking the question, “Who am I?” and answering it by saying, “A sinner wholly dependent on God’s grace through Jesus.” As we work through our denominational statement of faith, the third installment captures the truths that each one of us is wonderfully created in God’s image, but also totally marred by our nature of sin and our willful rebellion against God. It is a challenge to affirm something so beautiful and so woeful, all in a few sentences. The only way we can possibly do this is by looking to God and looking to the Bible.
In order to do this, we are going to study Genesis 3:1-13 and Romans 5:12-21. In both places we will see the devastating effect of sin and the awe-worthy mercy of God. Genesis 3 is at times bleak, but drips with hope throughout. In Romans 5, the hope that God gives in Genesis 3 is not only realized, but also made more glorious than a person may ever think possible. What was done by the man and the woman in the Garden of Eden is redeemed and restored by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
As you celebrate God’s grace in your life by creating you to live in this place and time, celebrate that all you are and all you have comes from Him. This is a great weekend to glorify God and point others to Him. Though we have declared our independence from tyrannous rule, declare your dependence on the King of the universe. I am excited to be in corporate worship with you on Sunday morning.
For the sake of His name,
Pastor Adam