Dear church,
I know that many of you struggle with heavy burdens. Some are your own burdens and others you bear with family and friends. I know that we hope for things for our children and wonder how we’re ever going to make it. For all those who feel, at times, overwhelmed by their lack of control and see so many needs around them, Ruth 3 shines a spotlight on the God who answers prayers and provides for His people. It gives us hope to pray, trust, and wait on Him.
In Ruth 2, Boaz tells Ruth, “The LORD repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge!” That is a prayer. The writer of Ruth makes it clear through chapters 1 and 2 it is a similar prayer to the one Ruth has prayed as well. To take refuge under the wings of the Lord was to turn to Him and follow Him. When Boaz prayed his prayer, he probably did not know God would use him to fulfill it. But, it becomes clear that He will in chapter 3 when Ruth asks Boaz to, “Spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer” and Boaz says that he will. God answers their prayer and He provides for them.
God still answers prayers and provides for His people when they place their trust in Him. What do you need to bring before Him and trust Him with? I know you have burdens and our natural tendency is to hold on tightly to them, believing our control is necessary. That is the same reason the Apostle Paul prays for the Colossian Church, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” We need a different kind of wisdom and if we are going to trust God, a wisdom that comes from God the Spirit.
My prayer for our church this week is that, through our corporate singing and the preaching of Ruth 3, we would be filled with a spiritual understanding and the hope of growing our trust in the God who answers prayers and provides for His people.
For the sake of His name,
Pastor Adam