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The Holiness of God

By January 6, 2012Church News

Dear church,

Happy New Year! I hope that you are beginning to recover from the business of the past few weeks. Recover seems to be the right word. Even the joy that is present around Christmas can be exhausting in a way. So, as your decorations come down and life returns to its normal rhythm (if there even is such a thing for you), my prayer is that you would know the joy and the hope of the coming of Christ throughout the entire year.

How do you begin a new year? With resolutions? Maybe. Be honest, how many of you were back at the gym for the first time in months this past week? How many of you began a diet on Tuesday morning? Ok, enough fun with that. Many of us approach 2012 with hopes and dreams, with expectations, and with the desire to make changes; to do and to see things differently. It may not necessarily be a resolution, but this Sunday I want to begin our year together by talking about how we see things. In Isaiah 6, God allows an ordinary man to see something extraordinary and it changes his life forever.

I don’t want to say too much now. In fact, like Isaiah, even though he experienced it first-hand, I’m struggling to put it into words. I’ll simply ask for you to join me this Sunday as we begin 2012 talking about the holiness of God. This particular Sunday may not, but if you know and worship the only God who is holy, like Isaiah, it will change your life. I can’t wait to see you Sunday!


For the sake of His name,


Pastor Adam

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