So many things to look forward to –
and something important in February!
Quarterly Prayer Service
On February 25th at 5 PM, we will gather for a time of prayer as a church family to praise God for who He is, to thank Him for how He has worked among us, and to ask for His continued blessing on our ministry.
March Family Dinner
Our next and final family dinner of 2024 will have a breakfast for dinner theme. Everyone is welcome to join us at 4:30 PM on March 3rd in the fellowship hall.
Pastor Adam’s Book Club
Pastor Adam will be hosting a bi-weekly book club starting on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:45 PM. He will be going through Dane Ortlund’s “Gentle and Lowly.”
Women’s Ministry
We will be hearing from a woman in our congregation about what God is doing in her life on March 15th at 6:30 PM PLUS a game of pictionary! All are welcome and if you are able, please bring a snack to share!