Dear church,
All I want to do this week is make sure you are aware of a few important opportunities.
1) Our annual Ingathering celebration is this Sunday evening. It’s a family-style get-together and I hope you will be a part of it. If you can’t make it, know you will be missed. As great as the time and the meal will be, I am more excited about partnering together to raise money to sponsor more than 10 of our college students as they attend the Cross Conference over their Christmas break in Louisville, KY. They will join thousands of others in worshiping God, while they are challenged to take up the cause of front-line missions around the world. The impact of the conference will have eternal significance in the lives of many people. Thank you in advance for your vision to see the potential and your generosity in helping to meet the need.
2) Over the next few days, a program will air on many television channels called My Hope America with Billy Graham. This past Thursday was Billy Graham’s 95th birthday. The purpose of this initiative, and it is extensive, is to leverage the incredible influence and giftedness God has given Dr. Graham in one last major crusade as his health and strength is failing in his old age. Consult the website for broadcast information and consider inviting family members or friends who do not have personal relationships with Jesus Christ to watch with you. Training materials and follow-up resources are also available on the website (
3) This Sunday we will study Luke 19:1-10 together. There, Jesus shows God’s incredible kindness toward those who have sinned against Him, even in extraordinary ways. We will talk about mercy, the cross, forgiveness, and salvation. If you know a person who believes they are beyond the grace of God, the truth of the Gospel displayed by Jesus there will be poignant for them. Please invite them. I am looking forward to church. I love to sing, pray, and respond to the Word of God with you.
For the sake of His name,
Pastor Adam